Steve Gooch
Firstly, I’d just like to say thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you have found whatever you were looking for. If not, please send me a message.
I think we’ve all found ourselves frustrated with life at times because we don’t find the opportunity to indulge our passions – the things that make us tick, the things that make life worth living. The things that really fire us up. For me those things have always been creativity (in the form of art and writing) and spirituality/self-development.
As a 12-year-old I wanted to be an artist and writer of superhero comics and at the same time, I was devouring my father’s book collection on topics like ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’, pyramid energy, self-hypnosis, Tibetan monks, meditation, and dowsing. My formative reading matter was an awesomely eclectic mix of spirituality and self-improvement. And it shaped me for the rest of my life.
Although I never did fulfill that early dream of drawing and writing superhero comics, I did end up gaining a degree in Fine Art from Bath Academy of Art in the UK and a post Grad art teaching qualification in from the University of London. That became my day job for quite a long time.
As well as taking several aspiring artists on to successful careers as professional artists in their own right, I also spent a considerable part of my life committed to, learning about and teaching personal development and spirituality.
From 2000 I started to teach Reiki in Egypt. At that time, I was the only Reiki teacher in the country and quickly became the country’s number 1 personal development trainer, often getting referrals from local psychologists to help resolve the issues of some of their more difficult cases.
In 2006 my first book, Reiki Jin Kei Do: The Way of Compassion & Wisdom was published, and then in 2022, my second book, Mindfulness Meditation and the Art of Reiki saw the light of day. I also founded and edited the Reiki journal Focus and founded both Reiki Jin Kei Do UK and Reiki Jin Kei Do International – both communities for the community of Reiki Jin Kei Do practitioners and teachers.
I also trained with Breathworks UK as a mindfulness meditation teacher and have gone on to teach self-development, Reiki, mindfulness meditation, and art in Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Lithuania, and Jordan as well as the UK to individuals and within the business community with leading Egyptian companies and members of the Egyptian armed forces. I routinely receive requests for training and workshops from elsewhere in the world.
I also trained as a mindset coach and now bring all these skills together to host some truly astonishing retreat experiences across various countries as well as live online workshops and recorded events.
I’m about supporting the people, teams, and businesses that I work with. It’s not about me, it’s about you. It’s about developing compassion for yourself and giving yourself the gift of truly understanding your core values and motivations as a creative and passionate human being.
I believe that we are all at our core, creative. Creativity is built into our DNA and for some, it needs to be awakened. Creativity is a cornerstone of developing a healthy mindset. It can help us resolve emotional difficulties and connect us to our spiritual selves. It’s also an effective tool in the development of our ability to be more aware and mindful. And it fills the world with beauty.
I believe that we can all benefit by anchoring our mindset in the practices of creative expression and mindful awareness and in exploring our spiritual identity.
I look forward to seeing how we can work together.