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For guidance on posture for the following meditations, please follow the instructions in Mindfulness Meditation and The Art of Reiki.

High Res Final Cover of book

You might also like to try the following meditation on The Reiki Power Symbol on Insight Timer.

All of the above meditations can also be accessed on Insight Timer

I just want to say thank you for your book and your passion for the system of Reiki. It’s challenged me and reinstalled in me and reignited my passion for the importance of meditation and mindfulness in the system of Reiki. You’ve pushed aside the bullshit and challenged me/us to consciously evolve. If we don’t raise our consciousness in our spiritual practice, then what good is it. It has to change us and challenge us. 


I'm guessing not everyone will be ready to put the work in. We are all at different stages in our spiritual development. As I’m becoming accustomed; you pull no punches! I really enjoyed it, lots of new learnings and powerful practical meditations.

Pete Grantham,10th August 2020.

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